Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

It's 2010 now. That still sounds pretty spacy to someone born around the middle of the 1900's, though I better get used to writing that number on checks.

The Art of the Superhero exhibition at the University of Oregon should be in the process of being taken down now. In September it seemed like it would be up a long time, but now I wonder why they made the time so short.

The lady at our library who was in charge of the exhibition of Seth's work last summer (2008) told me that there are a couple of other libraries in the area that are interested in showing his work sometime. It always makes me happy to think about new people finding his beautiful work, and being able to see it in its original form.
If any of the readers of this blog know of venues: galleries, museums, libraries, that would be interested in showing--but not selling--Seth's original artwork, please let me know. I would entertain offers from pretty much anywhere in the world, I think.

I am not sure what will happen to this blog this year. I am spending more time doing my own artwork.
Seth has helped and encouraged me immensely. There are letters that he wrote to aspiring artists that explain how art fits into the whole of life; there are the many times he wrote or spoke about the duty of the artist to be true to his own vision, and not the demands of other people; there are his illustration tips that he wrote for his own use; there are the works themselves; it was very instructive to examine them for how the parts of a page fit together in order to tell the story in the truest and most dramatic fashion possible. All these are things I saw after Seth died, and they bring to mind the little things he told me while he was alive: the tips he gave me on occasion about making my art work better, about making the design more interesting, about keeping on doing it, because it is worthwhile. There are the letters I have received from artists who Seth encouraged. There is his life, fully lived, not ever giving way to fear.

It may be that the time is near that the best way to honor Seth and his work is to do my own work, rather than to write this blog. At this advanced time of my life, I believe that it is not too late to make art more than just something I can do better than my friends. Seth has taught and encouraged me, and I now believe that I have the duty to use my God-given skill, to improve it, to do something with it that has some value in the world. I don't want to regret missed opportunities, wasted time, misuse of potential. I think that is what would honor Seth the most, and I think it is what he most wanted: for his mother, and for everyone to use their own skills and vision to the highest degree possible.


AP Furtado said...

You've done an admirable job of keeping Seth's memory alive through this blog. As an admirer of Seth's work I can't thank you enough for putting in the time and effort. I wish you nothing but the best and that you find as much inspiration with your own work as I have found in Seth's.
Thank You and Happy New Year. :)

Vicki said...

Thanks so much for your encouragement, both about writing the blog, and about doing my work.
I hope to have encouraged all my readers who are also artists, especially those who are struggling, to put renewed efforts into their work. It's what Seth would do!