Monday, March 16, 2009

Lift page 4

In this last page of the story, the pilot climbs out of his plane, which is now hanging by the ropes holding its wing hooks. He climbs up the ladder onto the blimp, still watched and tended to by the guy in the decorative mini-balloon, and then turns to wave a thank you.

The whole purpose of this story seems to be to describe some of the mechanics of living in this airborne society. Indeed, it is fascinating, seems possible (?), and gives the imagination a fertile field for inventing methods and devices for doing everyday projects.

The signature on this page says FISH, and underneath, Kaare, which would be Seth's friend Kaare Andrews. Maybe Kaare did the inks; I don't know for sure what his contribution was. They always wanted to collaborate on some work, and in fact did work together--one person on pencils and the other on inks--on at least one other occasion. Though I don't think they saw each other often they continued to have great respect for each other's work.


j_ay said...

if not inking, Kaare may have done the colouring.

Vicki said...

You could be right Jay. I just don't know.