Monday, December 10, 2007

"Stuff I wish people had told me a long time ago" part 2

Tip 11: Use the distance between panels to carefully control timing.
Tip 12: Draw fingers independently for more natural hands
Tip 13: Use the center of interest in your drawings
Tip 14: Draw for the final output of your page (color vs black and white)
Tip 15: Use seams and pattern to create depth without shadow
Tip 16: Use the brow to show expressions without losing character recognition
Tip 17: Understand the subtleties of lens choice in your figures
Tip 18: Use line width to show emphasis as well as depth
Tip 19: Draw pages in random order to maintain consistency
Tip 20: Clarity vs Impact


j_ay said...

Some very interesting insights. I'll be printing out the list and giving them all a go.

Vicki said...

There are 10 more items on the list. I'll do the next ones soon. There are a few more insights on the same page too. I will post all of them here, but you might want to wait until I have put up all of them before you print them out.
Some of them are peculiar to Seth's particular style--all outline, thicker and thinner lines, & so forth, but probably are useful with other styles as well.

j_ay said...

Some of them are peculiar to Seth's particular style--all outline, thicker and thinner lines, & so forth, but probably are useful with other styles as well.

Indeed, some of these points are verrrrry Seth related (as they should be!). Especially in regards to his amazing grasp of perspective.
At this point I’ve never even attempted to draw 2 panels, let alone a comic book page. Just the occasional single drawing for me, but I’d like to make the jump.
Seth’s words will be encouraging. They already are.