Looking at the buildings on this page and the one after, they struck me as similar to the buildings Seth put in a poster for a gallery show in Los Angeles called "I AM 8-BIT", an exhibition of art based on video games. Video--or computer--game enthusiasts (which I am not) will recognize this scenery as the setting for a game called "Rampage". I am not at all sure this is the final poster that Seth intended; in his files there are several modifications to it. But this is the poster that was printed (posthumously) for the show.
In any case, the theme--monsters chewing up a city--is very similar to what is happening at this point of the FF/Iron Man story.
Seth was well able to put his creative energies into multiple projects during the same time period. He always had many ideas bubbling in his mind at the same time. Mozart once said of himself that he wrote music the way a cow pisses. Seth had ideas for art and stories in that same overflowing way. The abundance of his creativity leads me more than ever to suspect that he did not intend for this image to be the final one for his poster. He was working on an image that used this as its setting, but that overlaid it with other video game characters, in order to tell a fuller story. But events stepped in, and this was one of the many things he left unfinished.
Yes, the buildings are similar, aren't they? I love you Mozart quote by the way - curse him and his cow-piss creativity! I'm so jealous...
Ah, lovely to finally see that poster! (now applied to desktop ‘wallpaper’),
With a hint of sadness...
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