OK, one last image on the subject of sound noises.
Julien Schantz, a comicbook art collector in France, wanted to be sure I included this image, which not only has sound effects that show all the facets of Seth's sound effect vocabulary, but also has an elegant full page structure, with things breaking at the top (top of the page, top of the building), someone falling and being caught in the middle, and a crowd at the bottom (on the ground) trying to get out of the way. That is, the page is not so much divided into panels that show sequential actions, but the page as a whole makes sense. The actions are sequential, but the time elapsed between each panel is very brief, and there is time overlap.
One of the things that interested Seth when he was first beginning to do comic book pages, was that the artist could move the action along faster or slower by the way he drew the panels.
Tomorrow I will show another page from Julien, where Seth consciously made the action sloooow down.
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