Monday, January 30, 2023

FloweringNose Day 2023

I found these photos the other day, of Seth (with hair, which means that he was in college).  He always threw himself wholly into what he did.  He loved street acrobatics.  And he loved inline skating.  I have a photo of him jumping over cars--a bunch of cars--in his inline skates.  I think he told me he cleared 10 cars parked side to side.  Is that true Langdon?  I'd have to get corroboration for that. 

In the bottom two photos, clearly taken on the same day, he is wearing his glasses while he jumps and flips.  Evidently he didn't expect to crash.  

Aw Seth, it's been 17 years now, and I still miss you.



j_ay said...

Always great to see new photos of Seth.
Bartender, bring me an orange juice and banana; it's Flowering Nose Day....

Vicki said...

One OJ and banana, coming right up, for you, dear Jay.
Yes, it was fun for me to find these photos too.

I hope you are well, and winter will be over soon.